Sunday, February 21, 2010


I feel like I don't have time or feel up to blogging much lately. So while the kids are being quiet and good I thought I would do a random photo post for you.

I recently broke a cupboard door off and my baby loves to get in there. His brother decided to join in the fun this time.Lounging in the tub with the swim ring and eating a slice of pizza. Seriously what weirdo lets their kids do this?Helping Mom make cookies. I love that smile. And him trying to hold his pants up is a common scene in this house. Poor kid can't keep them up for anything.Playing peek-a-boo. So cute.Grandma came over and started building a snowman. So Butterbean went out to join her.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I think eating pizza in a tub with a ring around your waist is totally normal. LOL. Actually, I'd let my kids do it if it made them happy. Cute pics.
