For the past couple of years we have got a pass to our local Dinosaur Park. I have never taken part in the extra activities. This year I looked into how much the Halloween Spooktacular would be and the price was not bad so I decided we should check it out.
Thank goodness we have an older sister to do our face painting. He LOVED it! I did Butterbean's for something and she very politely said, "You did really well for your first time and I am sure your next time will be better, but can I wash this off?" Sweet girl.I am not sure if my kids are boring or just simple or can just use their imagination because for the Dino park they went quite simple. Butterbean just wore a cape.Butterball with his batman sweatshirt and face paint. And yes, he chose the batman pj pants to wear with it.
And my tired frog who I woke up to go to this.They had stands here and there throughout the park with candy, pencils, bracelets, etc. The kids also got to make their own slime which was a HUGE hit. We had a lot of fun and plan to come back next year for sure. And they had one scare factor which scared the pants off my kids at first but then later they wanted to go back and see it again. Then we sat on a bench near it and watched the others going through get their pants scared off. I am so glad we went.
5 days ago