Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Temple Visit

My daughter has a Birthday book that she had to do for school. For the page titled: When I grow up I want to be....she had chosen a missionary. So we went to the Temple to try and get some good shots for that page.

One of the few shots I got of Butterball. He was his ususal self and didn't want his picture taken.Here is one of our so called missionary shots.Here is the other. It was so nice of the Sister Missionaries to let here pose with them.Butterball kept wanting to get his feet in the water fountains. They both kept begging to take their shoes off and put their feet in. Don't let the short sleeves fool you. It was CHILLY that day.Butterbean said the most precious thing. She said, "Mom you have to come over here and put your hand in the water. You can just feel all that Jesus did for us when you touch it." Just melted my heart when she said that.There is a pioneer cabin there and in front was this mailbox. Butterbean said, "Wow this is the pioneer's mailbox. See you can tell that it is really old because of that dent right there." It was so cute.Butterball again. That little stinker. He wanted to go in the Pioneer Museum and see if the pioneers are still in there but it was closed.I was laughing at my daughter's bruised up legs and had to take a picture.Then I got home and noticed my own bruised legs. Like Mother like daughter apparently.Butterbean really must have been feeling the spirit on the Temple grounds. She touched everything with such reverence and was singing Primary songs most of the time. We stayed there for 1 1/2 hours. I didn't mind at all staying that long because I enjoyed the spirit there myself. It was a wonderful time.


  1. Some year you should just stay down in Ephraim for a couple of weeks and do the Mormon Miracle Pageant with her, or send her with one of her cousins. And then be a pageant missionary too. My little sis was a pageant missionary with JP and I once, and I think she was probably better because she had no reservations going up and talking to people and just saying it straight out, plus it's harder to say no to a little kid.

  2. Exactly why I love working in the Primary. The kids are so in tune with the spirit and say the cutest things.
