Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Oh no!

I realized something the other day. Boy do I wish I would have realized this a couple years ago. And for those of you that may have noticed and kept your mouth shut? Shame on you! See that sweet boy above? I think we have done him a disservice. I blame it on how easy my daughter was. Yes her stubborness drove me absolutely bonkers at times but she learned very, very easily because of it. She would insist on trying to dress herself before she was 2. She would take sometimes 30 minutes trying to do so. She insisted on doing and undoing her own seatbelt. Yes sometimes I would get sick of waiting and just help her which would cause her to be upset. But this sweet boy fails to try and do a lot of things on his own. But we have finally reached one very big milestone.....he can do and undo his OWN seatbelt! Yes everyone has to be super quiet the whole time, the radio must be off, and beware if you even make a squeak as he lashes out at you. But hey! Whew! FINALLY!!!!


  1. What? Did I not tell you when we were in Yellowstone that you should walk away and have him undo his own seatbelt? Both my girls knew how to undo their seatbelt before they could walk. Therein why we had to have seatbelt checks to make sure they always kept them on.

  2. man i love those set belt checks mom they were fun sometimes
