Thursday, January 14, 2010

Appleseed seems to have replaced his pacifier with something else.....a dish rag. And if it is not wet enough he will let you know. It is so funny. He usually only wants it right after he eats or when he really wants comfort. It is the cutest thing. Today he had one that was a little damp and I was holding him while rinsing out a dish rag. He kept whimpering till I realized that he wanted his wetter so I wet it more and handed it back to him and he happily chewed on it. So funny. Kind of gross, but his favorite thing is to dip it into the bath water over and over when one of the kids is bathing and chew on it. Much to his dismay I try not to let him do it. The other day he grabbed Butterball's shirt while Butterball was in the tub and dipped it in and gave it a good chew.Appleseed took several steps over and over and over tonight. It was so precious and I wanted to cry. He kept walking back and forth to his Daddy and I. We knew he was getting tired but he still kept wanting to do it. He even walked to Dad and then turned and walked back to me once. Only 3 steps each time but it was so wonderful!!! I am sorry that the video is not better but he wouldn't walk to one of his siblings, only us.

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