Anyone that may know how to handle this, please tell me! I am SOOOOOOOOO sick of it. And I do ignore it. Yet he can carry on for a good 15 - 20 minutes sometimes. And be careful if you walk in his path when he is doing this. Argh. Why can he be so sweet and then this.....
1 day ago
Ok, since no one else is responding, here's my suggestions. A) tell him he has to have his tantrums in his room. Then drag him or carry him to his room. B) Stay firm and insist that he stay there or keep returning him there. C) Let him cry, scream, whine for as long as it takes. Kids have the amazing ability to know how long it takes to push your buttons and they will whine/scream that long. So if it took 30 minutes to get your attention last time, they will scream that long. If it takes longer, they will scream longer. Eventually, they will figure out that this is not getting your attention, but only if you learn to not respond to it.