Here is my big boy walking off to surgery. It broke my heart to see him go. He refused to have the nurse carry him or hold his hand. The doctor said his tonsils were huge not just where you could see them but underneath too. So he said he should feel much better now. I am so glad. Here he is on my lap with his bear from the hospital and his matching iv wrap.We both dozed off and on during recovery. He was so excited to see his baby brother. He immediately had him come up and lay down next to him. He talked to him about each of his surgery pictures and what happened. He told him, "You hava be careful wif me cuz I hurt real bad right now. K?" It was really cute. His sister had wrote him a note telling him she hoped he felt better. The minute he saw her he thanked her for the note. He is so sweet. He wanted her to come lay down with him too. So she sat next to him and help Appleseed. They have been so good to each other. I love it.He had me get him a bandaid as he said his mouth hurt. I didn't realize why the sides of his mouth were so sore till my husband reminded me how he had his mouth open during the surgery. They are quite red and sore. Poor thing.
5 days ago