Friday, August 14, 2009

Dinosaur Park

My husband was talking about how he had to go on the roof to look at our swamp cooler. Butterbean piped up that she wanted to go up there to as Butterball has been up there and she hasn't. My husband pointed out that Butterball has not been up on the roof. Butterbean of course said he had and that I had put him up there so he could get a toy. Of course I am looking totally someplace else now as hubby looks curiously at me. And thinking yet again, "There are some thing we don't tell Daddy." My husband said, "Boy, I never have to worry about finding out what really goes on here do I." Told her she might as well tell him that the whole story, that the reason Butterball went up instead of her was she was too scared. So Dad let her up there with him.We went the the Dinosaur Park with my super awesome neighbors today. It was nice to get out and have fun and I always enjoy being in their company. My big double stroller would not fit through the door so we had to have them open the gate for me. Now we know we can't take that one anymore. Funny. I had a great time. Thank you neighbors for inviting us.When my daughter saw this she was so upset that she is picking her nose in it. She said we had to go back so that she could sit there again and get a new picture with her not picking her nose.All the dangerous creatures escaping!!! Run for your lives! Wait till you see a close up.Gasp! Doesn't that look like some pretty dangerous creatures? Shudder. Scary. he heAnd there we go, finally Butterball. His Grandma said it is Native American blood that makes him not want his picture taken. He is related to Pocahontas.Appleseed playing peek a boo. So cute.A little snack.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun park...what cute pics...and what cute kids!
