They had a bazillion, and I mean a bazillion little plastic balls all over the area. No one was sure what they were for but after awhile they started disappearing. So we grabbed a few too. I saw one girl carry a shirt full several times to her tent. I am sure she left with about 50 of them. Turns out they were there for us to all play with and keep. Cute idea. We had a bouncy castle that they jumped on and a play ground right next to it so it was back and forth from one to the other.
So to wrap it up, was it worth it? We never did sit in the shade and enjoy it by our tent. When the movie ends at 11pm you don't have to worry about your tent being warm from the sun or not. I forgot they didn't provide drinks, they did provide Coke with caffeine for dinner, and had forgot to bring my own. I found a huge multiple drinking fountain later that had plasitc cups on it but had cute little girsl filling them all up for people. I am sorry but I just kept seeing germs as they weren't assigned to do it but doing it out of the goodness of their heart. Thank goodness for my emergency water I keep in the car so that we could refill that too. Having just a few bathrooms for 50 million people is a joke. They get super dirty and you are always in a line. OK, not 50 million but a ton! At bed time you had some really nice parents who let their kids stay up later and play around. And you know the shade I wanted? Right next to the pavilion and they had the lights on till about 11:30pm so it was super bright in our tent. Even after the lights were put out the naughty noisy kids outside had fun playing with who knows what and making all kinds of noise. Then to have more kids be noisy in the morning so that they wake up your monsters before you or they are ready to be. Am I tired? You bet! Have my kids been tired, whiny, grumpy, and just play wild today? You bet! So worth it? YOU BET!!!! Would I do it again? In a heart beat!
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