Thursday, August 20, 2009

Poor thing.

My nephew left for college in New York yesterday. I was so excited to see him one more time before he left. It was wonderful. I was worried that Butterbean would not get to see him one more time as she was off with friends. She has a special attachment to him that is adorable. When I had told her once that he was leaving for school for a long time she had said, "I bet he will be crying and crying because he will miss me." She showed up in just enough time to see him off. It was cute. Her pouty face is when we were telling her to give him a hug as he was leaving soon. She ended up crying herself to sleep that night because she missed him so much. I printed off a picture of her and him to sleep with that night. It broke my heart. I hope she always has that attachment to him. He is one a kind. And we love him very much.We had Butterbean's school orientation today. It was probably a mistake to take her. She kept looking at me with a worried look on her face for everything. At one point she said, "What does she mean drop me off? How are you going to drop me off?" I think she was worried that it included dropping. It just made me sad that she has already had so much anxiety about starting school and then to take her there and she was so worried. It was sad but cute. I think once school starts that hopefully she won't be as stressed.

1 comment:

  1. Tell Butterbean that "dropping off" is not so bad. I "drop kick" my kids off. Yeah. I just hold them over my right foot, drop them, give a good kick and they fly right into the class room. It's great!
