Saturday, August 8, 2009

Family Visits

We went to visit the kids Grandparents and it was such a good time. The kids adore them and their cute animals. It was a nice break from things. And I love how peaceful it is there. I try to get a picture of the kids with their grandparents for their birthday. It is always an interesting picture.Appleseed had a sucker for the first time. I know why I didn't give my other kids sugar when they were little. After awhile he would scream and throw a fit whenever he dropped it. My sweet Butterball still insists on holding Appleseed's hand all the time. Even in the car he will tell Appleseed to put his hand where he can reach it to hold. It is so precious. They are truly the best of friends.The kids and I got to go see my niece's babies today. They loved it. Butterbean was a little timid with them but Butterball did great. He kept trying to put the ferrets back in their cage. It was adorable. Thanks for letting us visit guys!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness those are some darling kids:)
