Wednesday, September 16, 2009


He was dressed as a football player I think. Not sure what the gardening glove is for. It has been a constant item though lately. He will put it on and claim that he can cook now, or get something out of the oven, or touch the food as he has a glove on. Just the one by the way. But that glove goes everywhere so I am sure it is pretty germy! Yuck! I will have to wash that baby soon.In the spring I let my kids pick out some flowers to grow in their flower garden. My son picked these sun flower thingys. My husband asked me to not grow them again. I told him that the seed package did not say they would grow 50 feet tall! They are huge. He had tons of tall stalks but they kept falling down from the weight so I cut them all but this one. Here he is with the ones that finally fell over. He did not want his picture so he is trying to run out of the view. Poor kid. I trick him into getting his picture all the time. "Iron Giant" has made it to my daughter's school a couple of times this year. Crazy kids all keep calling him Iron Man but my son says he is Iron Giant from his favorite movie. It is funny. He will sometimes chase the kids we walk with and the kids at school will yell, "Go Iron Man!" It cracks me up.I just liked this one.And here is Spider Man helping me push the lawn mower back to my parent's house. What a strong man he is.My son now has two imaginary friends. At least that is all I can think to call them. He does stuff with them when I am not around, like he will tell me he went to the movie with them, or the store, and will always point out the "with out you" part. "Katy" is one, and then we have "Master". The problem is that lately "Katy" and "Master" keep telling him he can do things like cut with knives, jump off things, walk on curbs. They are very naughty friends.


  1. Oh, what a cutie!!! People at the office are always wondering what I'm laughing at. I just tell them I'm reading about the cute neice & nephews. :D I love them!

  2. Somebody needs to get your son a Superman costume!! Sheesh!!
