Thursday, September 10, 2009

Parade Rest Ranch Day 2!

Today was a blast! It is a little chilly in the mornings so we had jackets. It was perfect weather the whole time though. Appleseed looks so grown up here on the porch of our cabin. I have pictures of everyone of my babies in this swing. So cute.One of the wranglers took my kids into the corral to give the horses treats. Butterbean loved it. She had treats in her pockets so the horses kept nudging her. It was a lot of fun.Butterball was bound and determined to not have fun in there. He even asked, "What can I do?" while we were in there.The sweet wrangler helped her give the horses treats. It was so weird to see these huge animals next to my tiny kids.Afterwards poor Butterbean's eyes swelled up and she was sneezing, itching, and soon very, very whiney. Poor thing is allergic to horses. We have never had her react like that. So we had to rush to town to try and get her some medicine. As she is very allergic to Benadryl, I was worried about what to get her. But the one we got worked great.Later on the kids were signed up for a corral ride. Butterbean got to ride Taco and Butterball got to ride Classy. They had a great time. Butterball tried to pretend he was not having fun though. He even tried to tell me that he did not have fun after the ride. But all he talked about was his horse, Classy, the rest of the day.Even Appleseed got in on the fun. That darn pacifier!Afterward the kids got to go hot tubbing. They loved that and it turned out perfect as they could both touch, I didn't think Butterball could.They love playing in and on this wagon. It is a cute thing to play on.

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