Sunday, May 17, 2009

Little Miss Diva

This is how I found Butterbean when she was supposed to be cleaning her room. I couldn't get on her case as she was doing a math wrap-a-round toy. She chose this outfit and told me it all matched, brown top, brown shorts, and brown shoes. What a nut! She looked kind of dorky to me with the socks pulled up so high. She is a cutie and quite the diva. This was only one of many outfits that day.This was actually outfit number 5 for the day. I only let her change so much because she had not gone outside and got dirty yet. After that she was out of luck. And yet she still got to change because she got a rash from the grass and had to take a bath and change clothes. She loves to change clothes. Though we fight all the time about what I think is OK to wear. I am struggling with summer clothes. I just don't like these short shorts. I don't think their underwear should be showing all the time if they sit down. I also am struggling with skirts for the same reason. Do they ever learn to sit like a lady at this age?
Hard to believe this cute little angel can be such a pill. Lately she will cry, "No one likes me in the whole neighborhood! Everyone hates me! No one will like me at school because I will be dressed ugly!" The last one was after I told her she can't wear shorts to school. She went shopping with my sister and kept begging for stuff and when my sister said no she told her she was the boss of herself and could have what she wanted. She tried to get her to go to a store that had a bunch of Superman stuff. She told her that you get lost a few times and then you go down a few roads and then it is just there. She probably gets that from my driving. I am frequently saying, "Oh, I turned down the wrong road." And then I will say, "Oh, there it is." So in her world you really do get lost and drive a few roads and then it is just there. She has told my sister that she chooses to be sick! And by the way sis, she is always wanting me to buy you something or make cookies for you to help you feel better. Usually when my sister starts with, "Butterbean told me...." I immediately start to cringe.
Some nice things about my princess... She loves to write notes or draw pictures for people. Today she wrote a note for her Primary President and was so embarrassed when I gave it to her. She is always talking about wanting to let her old Primary teacher know that she still loves her. It is nice. She will get dolls for anyone that is hurt or sad in our family to help them feel better. She is very smart and loves to learn. She is always telling me that she knows how to spell a word and will then spell it. It is wrong about half the time but when I do correct her she will repeat it over and over to help herself remember it. She is very very persistant about things. She will try and try and try until she gets something right.

1 comment:

  1. she is so darling I love her to death. Saturday when I came outside she was in your driveway and said hi then she went and got James so he could say hi sooooo cute!
