Monday, June 15, 2009

Mud mud mud!

When my daughter saw her brother in the mud she grossed out. I told her you are only young once. Shortly after that she joined him and they had a great time. Butterball said it felt like poop. Ewwwwww, now how would he know that? It kind of smells like it. Our dirt smells like it came from the Great Salt Lake.Butterbean's OGT (One Good Thing) for the day was having me lay down in bed with her to talk tonight. Ahhhhhh! And then she told me that in heaven she watched me and loved me. Then she said she has loved me her whole life. Imagine that, her whole life! What a sweetheart!


  1. How did you get your children to the bathroom without getting mud on your carpet? I would have sprayed my children down with a hose before they would have been allowed in my house. LOL!

  2. What a sweet girl! That made me get teary-eyed.
