Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Butterbean sayings

We were talking about how I was going to take the kids to my friends house to visit today. Butterbean, who is recently obsessed with her size since she turned 5, said, "I bet she will see me and say 'Holy Crap she is big!'" I told her that I doubt she would say 'Holy Crap' as crap wasn't really a nice word. She said, "It is an OK word cuz there is like all of Daddy's crap. Plus it has Holy in front of it.

I did her hair in a star today. It was so fun and turned out cute. I got the idea from http://www.girlydohairstyles.com/.


  1. Very cute! I could never do anything like that...too hard for me!

  2. That is some amazing hair...very impressed!

  3. Oh my goodness! I LOVE it! I have a daughter with lots of hair who does NOT like me to do it and then a daughter with no hair who LOVES me to do it! HELP!

    So, I just spent the last little while catching up on your blog! I love it! Your kids say the funniest things. I wish we lived closer! DANG IT! I can't say it enough! And I'm really jealous of that camping trip. That looked like fun. I wouldn't want to do it pregnant, but any other time I LOVE camping!

    I just realized I don't have you on my blog list. HELLO! I just always click on your blog when you comment on mine and you comment so often, I didn't even realize I hadn't added you. I'm so sorry. But, thank you for reading my blog and commenting. It's nice to know I don't type this crap for nothing! Oops. I said crap. Sorry. Hee hee!
