Saturday, April 11, 2009

This is for you Termite.

My son Termite requested to see some pictures of his Dad as he has not seen him in a long long time. So here you go bud.

It was justButterbean, Appleseed, and I for coloring eggs. Butterball did not want to leave his precious tv. Then she wanted to eat one right away but not the green part (yolk). One time she wanted me to peal off the green outside of the yolk which I wouldn't . Silly girl.
My kids went to a church Easter egg hunt. It was fun. They made their own baskets too. It was interestimg to see Butterbean react to Butterball when her friend sat down next to her though. He had not done anything and yet Butterbean immediately yelled "No _____!" And held out her hand like she was pushing him off. She is very possessive of her girl friends. Butterball for some reason is always hugging or climbing on them.

This is how Appleseed and I spend part of our nights. Just talking and giggling. But then we have the crying and many times the screaming. Tonight my back hurts so bad from pacing, rocking, and bouncing him that I want to cry. I am not a fan of colic at all! Hoping his upcoming umbilical surgery may help with the pain.

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